Results for 'S. Gary M. Gurtler'

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  1. The Activity of Happiness In Aristotle’s Ethics.S. J. Gary M. Gurtler - 2003 - Review of Metaphysics 56 (4):801-834.
    One group of commentators takes book 10 as determinative and thus tortures the text in book 1 to say the same thing. This position is described as intellectualist or exclusivist and produces certain puzzles in reading Aristotle’s ethical theory. These puzzles are not benign since the privileged position given wisdom in book 10 seems at odds with the discussion of virtue in book 1 and its development in the Nicomachean Ethics as a whole. Indeed, Aristotle appears inconsistent or even contradictory, (...)
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  2. Priscian: On Theophrastus’ on Sense-Perception; with “Simplicius”: On Aristotle’s on the Soul 2.5–12. [REVIEW]S. J. Gary M. Gurtler - 1999 - Review of Metaphysics 52 (3):718-718.
    This volume includes an element that is a departure in this series, the lengthy Introduction by Carlos Steel, which puts, in revised form, his article with F. Bossier, “Priscianus Lydus en de In de Anima van Pseudo-Simplicius,” Tijdschrift voor Filosofie 34 : 761–822. The editor’s decision to include this discussion of the author of the commentary on the soul is to be commended. An English version gives wider access to the carefully constructed argument of Steel and Bossier, and its placement (...)
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  3. Parmenides: Texto griego, traduccion y comentario. [REVIEW]S. Gary M. Gurtler - 1990 - Ancient Philosophy 10 (2):274-276.
  4.  38
    Imitations of Beings Enter and Exit: Plotinus on Incorporeal Matter in Plato: III 6[26] 11-15.Gary M. Gurtler & J. S. - 2013 - Philosophy Study 3 (2).
    Plotinus’ account of matter in Ennead III 6[26] 11-15 serves two purposes. The terms, evil and ugly, present the negative side of matter’s causality, providing for the change characteristic of the sensible world and the possibility of ontological evil and privation as well as of moral evil among human beings. The receptacle and other images from Plato’s Timaeus present the positive side of this causality, matter as allowing for the presence of forms in the bodies of the sensible world. Plotinus (...)
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  5.  8
    Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy: Volume XXXVII (2022).S. J. Gurtler, Gary M. & Daniel P. Maher (eds.) - 2023 - BRILL.
    Volume 37 contains papers and commentaries presented to the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy during 2022. Works: _Phaedo_, _Statesman_, _De Caelo_, _Metaphysics N_, _Enneads_. Topics: immortality, Forms; dialectic, myth, law; elements, inclination, place; mathematics and explanation; mystical union.
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    Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy.Gary M. Gurtler & William Robert Wians (eds.) - 2013 - Boston: Brill.
    Volume XXIX contains papers and commentaries presented to the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy during academic year 2012-13. The papers feature Plato's Republic and Timaeus, examine Aristotle on generation, analogy and method, and analyze Proclus on first principles.
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    Zubiriy, Post-Modernism, and Plato.Gary M. Gurtler - 2000 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 56 (3/4):559 - 572.
    Zubiri presents a critique of modernism and return to phenomena in primordial apprehension. Only 'notes' are apprehended; as real they need to be repossessed by logos or reason, related to other notes in the field or unified as the world. Zubiri seeks to overcome the dualism of sensing and knowing and introducing transcendent objects. His target extends to ancient and medieval philosophy, charged with introducing the problem. So he reads Plato's Sophist as positing being, known independent of the senses, and (...)
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  8. Giovanni Reale, A History of Ancient Philosophy, I: From the Origins to Socrates Reviewed by.S. J. Gurtler & M. Gary - 1988 - Philosophy in Review 8 (5):186-187.
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    Colloquium 4 Commentary on Nikulin.Gary M. Gurtler - 2016 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 31 (1):147-155.
    If it were permitted by the editors, my comment could be titled, Plotinus: Thinker of Radical Matter. I will attempt to present Plotinus’s complex view of matter in II 4[12], which examines the nature of matter as the substrate in relation to the corporeal, with the different relation of qualitative and quantitative qualities to bodies and matter, and the consequent difference in the application of privation, ugly and evil to matter. An examination of comments about matter as the principle of (...)
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    Colloquium 1 Commentary on Stróżyński.Gary M. Gurtler - 2023 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 37 (1):17-25.
    The Comment gives corroborative support to Stróżyński’s thesis by using resources from I.6[1].7–9 and VI.5[23].1. The nature of the soul and its ascent to intellect and the One is clarified in I.6[1].7, as the soul’s ascent recaptures its own nature. It identifies not only with intellect, but directly with the One, needing only its own powers, making union with the One within one’s reach and common to all. A barrier to seeing this has been the 19th century description of mysticism (...)
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  11. The Activity of Happiness In Aristotle’s Ethics.Gary M. Gurtler - 2003 - Review of Metaphysics 56 (4):801-834.
    This article examines happiness as an activity, modeled on pleasure in NE 10, 1-5. Aristotle is not proposing a choice, but defining the formal nature of happiness. Contemplation, as the activity of wisdom, constitutes happiness in the strict and formal sense. It has all the attributes of happiness, highest, most continuous, most pleasant, most self-sufficient, leisured, and an end in itself. Practical virtues are formally secondary, as including elements outside the activity of the best part and having leisure as their (...)
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  12.  57
    Lloyd P. Gerson, Plotinus.Gary M. Gurtler - 1998 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 36 (1):128-129.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Plotinus by Lloyd P. GersonGary M. Gurtler S.J.Lloyd P. Gerson. Plotinus. The Arguments of the Philosophers. London: Routledge, 1994. Pp. xviii + 338. Cloth, $59.95.This challenging account of Plotinus’ philosophy is appropriately published in a series called The Arguments of the Philosophers. Professor Gerson confronts Plotinus’ position on some major issues in the history of philosophy with an array of counterarguments, ancient, medieval, and modern. More often (...)
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  13.  78
    Plotinus on the Soul's Omnipresence in Body.S. . J. Gurtler & M. Gary - 2008 - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 2 (2):113-127.
    The limitation of act by potency, central in the metaphysics of Thom as Aquinas, has its origins in Plotinus. He transforms Aristotle ’s horizontal causality of change into a vertical causality of participation. Potency and infinity are not just un intelligible lack of limit, but productive power. Form determines matter but is limited by recepti on into matter. The experience of unity begins with sensible things, which always have parts, so what is really one is incorporeal, without division and separation. (...)
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  14.  39
    Meeting on Philosophy’s Own Ground.Gary M. Gurtler - 1998 - International Philosophical Quarterly 38 (4):409-422.
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    Plotinus on Self: The Philosophy of the 'We.'.S. J. Gurtler & M. Gary - 2010 - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 4 (1):82-85.
  16. Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy.Gary M. Gurtler S. J. & William Wians (eds.) - 2014 - Brill.
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    Plotinus: Matter and otherness, on matter (II 4 [12]).Gary M. Gurtler - 2005 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 9 (2):197-214.
    An examination of Plotinus’s treatise on matter, II 4[12], reveals interesting paradoxes. He seems to use Aristotle’s matter to explain Plato’s receptacle. Attention to the text reveals that both matter and the receptacle are, in fact, recast in terms of the otherness of Plato’s Sophist. By this, Plotinus articulates how matter and the receptacle function as the condition of possibility for the sensible cosmos. His analysis of related terms further supports this rapprochement: privation and substrate exclude quality and quantity as (...)
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  18. John Dillon, Dexippus, On Aristotle's Categories Reviewed by.S. J. Gurtler & M. Gary - 1991 - Philosophy in Review 11 (5):310-311.
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    From the alien to the alone: a study of soul in plotinus.Gary M. Gurtler - 2022 - Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press.
    A scholarly study of the Neoplatonic philosopher Plotinus (204/5-270) and his understanding of the soul; its chapters include: beauty and the good, forgetting the self, matter as indefinite and incorporeal, omnipresence and incorporeality, and omnipresence and transcendence. The work confirms much recent scholarly consensus on Plotinus, but many of the author's interpretations and general conclusions also give constructive challenges to some existing modes of understanding Plotinus's thought. The arguments and their textual evidence, with the accompanying Greek, provide the reader with (...)
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  20. Transformations : platonic mythos and plotinian logos.Gary M. Gurtler - 2017 - In John Sallis, Plato's Statesman: Dialectic, Myth, and Politics. Albany, NY: Suny Series in Contemporary Company.
  21.  5
    (1 other version)Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy: Volume XXIV (2008).John Joseph Cleary & Gary M. Gurtler (eds.) - 2009 - BRILL.
    The papers in this volume were originally presented to the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy during 2007-8. Four colloquia deal directly with major works of Aristotle, while another discusses Aristotle's influence on the Stoics. Three colloquia deal with Plato, discussing the _Philebus_, _Phaedrus_ and _Republic_.
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    (1 other version)Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy: Volume XVII (2001).John J. Cleary & Gary M. Gurtler (eds.) - 2002 - BRILL.
    This volume of BACAP Proceedings contains recent research by international scholars on Empedocles, Plato, Aristotle, Plotinus and some Hellenistic philosophers. It covers such topics as Epicurean methods of managing mental pain, moral nostalgia in Plato' s Republic, and empty terms in Aristotelian logic._ This publication has also been published in paperback, please click here_ for details.
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  23.  26
    On Aristotle's on the Soul. [REVIEW]Gary M. Gurtler - 1998 - Review of Metaphysics 51 (3):721-722.
  24.  48
    Socratic Wisdom: The Model of Knowledge in Plato’s Early Dialogues. [REVIEW]Gary M. Gurtler - 2001 - International Philosophical Quarterly 41 (1):118-119.
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  25. Gary M. Gurtler, S.J., Plotinus: The Experience of Unity. [REVIEW]John Dillon - 1990 - Philosophy in Review 10:271-273.
  26.  65
    Plotinus John Bussanich: The One and its Relation to Intellect in Plotinus: A Commentary on Selected Texts. (Philosophia Antiqua, 49.) Pp. vii+258. Leiden, New York, Copenhagen, Cologne: E. J. Brill, 1988. Paper, Gld. 90. Gary M. Gurtler: Plotinus: The Experience of Unity. (American University Studies, Series V, 43.) Pp. xiii+320. New York, Bern, Frankfurt am Main, Paris: Peter Lang, 1988. Cased, $43.40. Frederic M. Schroeder: Form and Transformation: A Study in the Philosophy of Plotinus. (McGill–Queen's Studies in the History of Ideas, 16.) Pp. xiv+125. Montreal, Kingston, London, Buffalo: McGill–Queen's University Press, 1992. Cased, £25.95. [REVIEW]G. J. P. O'daly - 1994 - The Classical Review 44 (02):311-314.
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  27.  20
    Plotinus on the Soul. By Damian Caluori.Gary M. Gurtler - 2019 - International Philosophical Quarterly 59 (3):365-370.
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    Plotinus on Light and Vision.Gary M. Gurtler - 2018 - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 12 (2):151-162.
    Ennead IV 5[29] has been poorly served by translators and commentators, misreporting what Plotinus wrote and, with these mangled results, asserting that this part of his treatise on the “Problems about the Soul” is merely a disjointed series of doxographical fragments with little compelling contribution to make. More careful translation and analysis reveal something strikingly different and original. First, he gives a cogent critique of the theories of Plato and Aristotle concerning the body between and the role of daylight. Second, (...)
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  29.  69
    Plotinus and Byzantine Aesthetics.Gary M. Gurtler - 1989 - Modern Schoolman 66 (4):275-284.
  30.  32
    Plotinus on Sense-Perception.Gary M. Gurtler - 1990 - International Philosophical Quarterly 30 (3):379-382.
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    Plotinus on Love. An Introduction to His Metaphysics through the Concept of Eros, written by Alberto Bertozzi.Gary M. Gurtler - 2022 - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 17 (1):106-108.
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    (1 other version)Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy: Volume XXX (2014).Gary M. Gurtler & William Robert Wians (eds.) - 2015 - BRILL.
    Volume XXX contains papers and commentaries presented to the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy during academic year 2013-14. They feature: _Philebus_, _Republic_, _Theaetetus_ and _Alcibiades I_, _Sophist_, and _Symposium_, _Apology_ and _Phaedo_, on pleasure, knowledge, the city, and the philosopher.
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  33.  25
    Philosophy as a Way of Life, written by Matthew Sharpe and Michael Ure.Gary M. Gurtler - 2022 - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 17 (1):125-128.
  34.  50
    Plotinus and the Platonic Parmenides.Gary M. Gurtler - 1992 - International Philosophical Quarterly 32 (4):443-457.
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    Plato on Pleasure and the Good Life.Gary M. Gurtler - 2006 - International Philosophical Quarterly 46 (4):504-506.
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    Sympathy in Plotinus.Gary M. Gurtler - 1984 - International Philosophical Quarterly 24 (4):395-406.
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    Aristotle and Plotinus on Intellect. Monism and Dualism Revisited, by Mark J. Nyvlt.Gary M. Gurtler - 2014 - Ancient Philosophy 34 (2):451-455.
  38.  33
    Introduction.Gary M. Gurtler - 1997 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 13 (1):vii-xviii.
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  39.  23
    Introduction.Gary M. Gurtler - 1998 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 14 (1):vii-xviii.
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    Plotinus Ennead IV.8. Translation, Introduction, Commentary, by Barrie Fleet.Gary M. Gurtler - 2014 - Ancient Philosophy 34 (2):455-458.
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  41.  25
    Reason, Faith and Otherness in Neoplatonic and Early Christian Thought , written by Kevin Corrigan.Gary M. Gurtler - 2015 - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 9 (2):257-260.
  42.  4
    (1 other version)Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy: Volume XVI (2000).John J. Cleary & Gary M. Gurtler (eds.) - 2001 - BRILL.
    This latest volume of BACAP Proceedings contains some innovative research by international scholars on Plato and Aristotle. It covers such themes as Plato on recollection and on justice, along with Aristotle on Nous and on law._ This publication has also been published in paperback, please click here_ for details.
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  43.  37
    Introduction.Gary M. Gurtler - 1999 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 15 (1):vii-xxii.
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    Plotinus and the Presocratics. [REVIEW]Gary M. Gurtler - 2010 - Ancient Philosophy 30 (1):203-207.
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    Plotinus on Self: The Philosophy of the ‘We.’. [REVIEW]Gary M. Gurtler - 2010 - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 4 (1):82-85.
  46.  19
    Introduction.Gary M. Gurtler - 2000 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 16 (1):vii-xvii.
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  47.  43
    Love, Friendship, Beauty, and the Good: Plato, Aristotle, and the Later Tradition, written by Kevin Corrigan.Gary M. Gurtler - 2020 - Polis 37 (1):201-205.
  48.  14
    La mística eneádica. Genealogía, análisis y comparación, written by Gabriel Martino.Gary M. Gurtler - 2021 - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 15 (2):243-246.
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    Plato and Plotinus on Mysticism, Epistemology, and Ethics, written by Yount, D.J.Gary M. Gurtler - 2019 - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 13 (1):121-123.
  50.  26
    Plotinus’ Legacy: The Transformation of Platonism from the Renaissance to the Modern Era. Edited by Stephen Gersh.Gary M. Gurtler - 2020 - International Philosophical Quarterly 60 (3):357-360.
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